Frequently Asked Questions

"What do students do in Music class?"  Ms. Mutz hopes that through this new Music blog your questions may be answered!  She plans to post frequently to give you an idea of what students are learning.  If at any time you have further questions or concerns about Music instruction at Porters Point School, please contact her -- best way is through e-mail:

"When is the right time to introduce my child to music study?"  The short answer is that every child is different, and so some children may be ready at an early age (5 and up) and others may benefit from waiting until they have a handle on reading, in general.  Informal music education is always possible at any age.  This is where students learn when they are ready, usually by experimenting, or learning from a relative, baby-sitter, or friend who can show them how to play something.  When students show that they want to learn more, then it may be the right time to seek out a teacher.

One resource for music teachers may be found through the Vermont Youth Orchestra Association website: and search the Music Teacher Directory.  Teachers are listed by their discipline (instrument) and also what level of students they teach.  Another avenue to explore is high school or college students who may be interested in gaining teaching experience and may be right in your neighborhood!

Although this may seem obvious, it is important to have an instrument available for practice!!