Friday, March 21, 2014


Friday I sent home a GREEN note (with five hats at the top) to everyone.  Then just today I realized that I listed two classes as performing on incorrect nights.  Yikes!!  I have notified Mrs. Plunkett and Ms. Silverberg and asked that they contact their students' families and give them the corrected note.  You can check out this note here:


In a nutshell, this is the corrected information...

April 9, 2014, 6:30 pm Performing Classes:  Allbee, Donnelly, Trombley, Shepherd, Silverberg, Bissonnette, Hooper

April 10, 2014, 6:30 pm Performing Classes:  Belaski, Randall, Plunkett, Terrien, LaRose, Warren

I was able to keep with my plan to hand out speaking parts for the casts of "HATS!" last Wednesday, March 19.  If there are students who return their unwanted parts, I will reassign those parts to students who expressed interest but were not originally given a part.

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